Double Beam Carrier with Harness Mounting Arrangement | |
Technocraft Industries offers a wide range of transport and handling hydraulic equipment for beam & cloth rolls, for different application in textile-weaving units. It has introduced a double beam carrier with harness mounting arrangement, which is suitable for the entire textile-weaving units. The hydraulic trolley is suitable for lifting double beam (top beam as well as ground beam) along with harness frames, drop pins, serrated bars, etc and to insert the same on loom. The lifting-lowering operation of top beam, ground beam and harness frames made by hydraulic pressure pump unit, whereas the movement of trolley will be manual type. The trolley is ideal for all kinds of high-speed modern looms having widths ranging from 190 cm to 300 cm. Salient features Manual lifting-lowering of harness frames, drop pins serrated bars; 2-point steering system; 4 numbers of double ball beard white UHMW nylon wheels from which, 2 numbers will be controlled by push-pull type steering handle bars at both sides and 2 numbers will be caster type suitable to lift beam having flange dia-400 mm to 800 mm, (top beam) & 1000 mm (Ground beam); Max lift of top beam from ground level will be 2200 mm, capacity for lifting maximum weight of beams including drop pins � 1500 kg; All hydraulic cylinders fitted with important rubber seals ensuring longer life. Power required to operate electric motor is 2 HP and the oil tank capacity is 20 litres. The Grade of oil is Enclo-68.
2013-04-10 11:01:57 Source:Indian Textile Journal Comment:0 Hits: